Defence and Security Products +48 887 221 001


KEL-MET has hold the Quality Management System Certificate No. 1669/4/2011 since 2005, including for production of automotive parts and accessories, as well as production and services in the field of metalworking and plastics.

As of March 2011 our company can also boast the NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code NCAGE: 2034H granted by the Military Centre for Standardization, Quality and Codification, Codification Division Products Defence 43 National Codification Bureau.

8 March 2012. the Ministry of Interior granted the licenses to Mr. Jarosław Kieler P.P.U.H. KEL-MET to carry out business in the following areas:

• Manufacturing and trading of weapons as referred to in paragraph. 9 section 3 of Appendix 1 Types of arms and ammunition - BA - the Council of Ministers of 3 December 2001. On the types of weapons and ammunition and a list of products and technology for military or police, where the production or marketing of concession is required ( Dz. U. No 145, item. 1625, as amended. d.);
• Trading technology for military or police as set out in WT XIII Annex No. 2 List of products and technologies for military or police - WT - to the above. Regulation.

Motor Transport Institute on 15.10.2001. Awarded our company certification entitling products to bear the safety mark No. B / 15/129/01. The Ministry of Transport and Maritime Economy granted approval for a car horn system no-E20-28R 00 0140, the Ministry of Infrastructure, gave approval for the car horn system under code E20-28R No. 00-0609.


ISO Quality Certificate IQNet Quality Certificate ISO Polish Centre for Testing and Certification The license of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Military Center for Standardization and Quality Codification